The State of Maryland has developed a program which allows credits against the homeowner’s property tax bill if the property taxes exceed a fixed percentage of the person’s gross income. In other words, it sets a limit on the amount of property taxes any homeowner must pay based upon his or her income. This plan… Read more

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Buying a home for the first time is a big adventure and a big investment for first-time buyers. First of all, most first-time buyers are young, recently married or have been employed less than five years. Needless to say, this is a new and big endeavor. There are many concerns facing them in purchasing their… Read more

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Ensure a Good First Impression Homebuyers make up their minds about a property in the first few minutes. Make sure your home makes that vital first impression. New paint does wonders. Make sure the front yard is flawless with manicured lawns and attractive foliage. Add a hanging basket or some flower pots at the door…. Read more

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