Maryland Property Tax Credit Program

April 28th, 2015

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The State of Maryland has developed a program which allows credits against the homeowner’s property tax bill if the property taxes exceed a fixed percentage of the person’s gross income. In other words, it sets a limit on the amount of property taxes any homeowner must pay based upon his or her income. This plan has been in existence since 1975 when it was known as the “circuit breaker” plan for elderly homeowners. The plan was called circuit breaker because it shut off the property tax bill at a certain point just like an electric circuit breaker shuts off the current when the circuit becomes overloaded. The Maryland General Assembly has improved the plan through the years so that now this program is available to all homeowners regardless of their age, and the credits are given where needed based upon the person’s income. This article was excerpted from a Maryland Department of Assessments and Taxation publication. Contact me for more detailed information on the benefits of this program to you.

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